
PromoDJ launched a service for delivering users content to the world's leading podcast aggregators. Once filling in the form you'll have all your mixes, radio shows, podcasts and other content automatically published on the largest streaming services, and the audience from all over the world will get access to them.

We talked in detail with the chief administrator of PromoDJ, Andy Stock about the features of the service:

«Podcasts are the best opportunity to deliver new mixes and radio shows to your audience. Recently, PromoDJ has created ideal conditions for hosting your podcasts and distributing them across all podcast resources. First of all, this is Apple Podcast (recently it was known as iTunes), and then Spotify and Google Podcasts, which are very popular in Europe and the United States.

The audience of these sites is huge and now PromoDJ will help you get it!

The main advantage of podcasts on PromoDJ is its usability. Setup will take a minute, and after that you will get one RSS link for all podcast platforms. Later on, when you publish new content on PromoDJ, they will automatically fall into the stream on all resources. Bear in mind, that the owners of the Premium account receive unlimited space for a small amount, and they no longer have to worry about free space.

That's how we created, perhaps, the best place to host your podcasts. More good music!»

You can read the instructions for delivering content from the PromoDJ page to Apple Podcast, Spotify, and Google Podcast in the FAQ section.

Podcasts are experiencing a rebirth. This growth in activity was provided by streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Podcast and Google Podcast, and convenient applications for various devices (there is for iOS, Android, and even for Smart TVs). The BBC reports the annually increasing number of released podcasts and advertisers' money amounts.

10 October 2019

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Pi Djanet 3 October 2021 18:28
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